Published Work

Catan and the Winter Quarter

As midterms creep up and the winter grows colder, it’s easy to hole up indoors and make everything about studying. Just last week, I had confined myself to a small cubicle on the 4th floor of the Reg; all I thought about was my next assignments, my upcoming exams, and the essays I had yet to write. The mounting academic pressure (mixed with the single-digit temperatures) had started to take their toll. Just as I was about ready to collapse, my phone buzzed with a message from a friend: “Catan t...

Secret Places, Secret Faces

The first thing we noticed when we crept into the Ryerson basement was the scent of dry concrete and industrial musk. The old metallic scents are fitting for the basement’s low ceiling crisscrossed with pipes, its dusty floors littered with long-forgotten debris, and the hum of machinery ever-present within its aged walls. Along the corridor, forgotten classrooms hide behind worn wooden doors, and as we peer into their darkened entryways, only empty interiors and repurposed utility rooms stare...

Where’s the Smart in RideSmart?

It’s 2 a.m. on a Friday evening, and I stand outside Campus North Residential Commons with two friends. We need to get back to Woodlawn. It’s a 20-minute walk, it’s cold, it’s dark. It’s a trek none of us want to make.
As I pull up the RideSmart by Via app, UChicago’s new free rideshare system, I type in our destination and wait for a car, only to see that the closest Via is more than 15 minutes away. Refreshing the app only shows Vias with longer wait times, and tonight I’m not lucky enough to...

Writing Samples

Marx & The Bourgeois Mode of Production

“Fast Fashion” refers to clothing mass produced by retailers attempting to capitalize on recent trends while selling their products as cheaply as possible. Such business practices allow large companies to maximize consumption in hopes for profit, yet have side effects that include high carbon emissions, pollution, and most notably, poor labor conditions. One company stands out when it comes to fast fashion: Shein. Shein sells clothing...